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Students of the Week 9/11/17 to 9/15/17

This week, our classes voted and felt as though the following students deserved recognition for being outstanding Armstrong Aviators.

Takacs' Homeroom

Noah Leslie

1. He is responsible and trustworthy.

2. He always does his homework.

3. He always says "yes ma'am and no sir".

4. He has a good attitude.

5. He always gives people stuff.

6. He is kind and does not take advantage of prizes.

7. He helps me with work.

Meah Hernandez

1. She is very responsible.

2. She never goofs around when doing a project.

3. She is always on task.

4. She is very generous and lends me her pencils.

5. She lets me use her sharpener.

Willcut's Homeroom

Eliana Lee

1. She always uses good manners.

2. She helps me put my things in my backpack.

3. She is respectful to her classmates.

4. She helps me get my stuff.

5. She helps others with their work.

Adam Ochoa

1. He is generous and lends me pencils.

2. He is helpful and loans me supplies.

3. He helps me when I need it.

4. He gave me pencils once.

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4750 Ben Davis Rd

Sachse, TX 75048

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