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Students of the Week 9/25/17 to 9/29/17

The class decided that these great students best exemplified what we look for in an Armstrong Aviator. Fantastic!

Takacs' Homeroom

Morgan Franks

1. She has a good attitude.

2. When someone is down, she makes them happy.

3. She is kind, respectful, and helps others.

4. She can always be trusted.

5. She is nice and has a good attitude.

Jessica Vega

1. She let's me borrow supplies.

2. She is nice and kind.

3. She is optimistic and very positive.

4. She uses good manners.

5. She is always willing to help others.

Willcut's Homeroom

Parker Overstreet

1. He is generous and always shares.

2. He is helpful and friendly.

3. He is very kind.

4. He works hard and is responsible.

Grayson Coventry

1. He is optimistic every day and stays positive.

2. He gets his work done.

3. He is a nice person.

4. He is helpful to me.

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4750 Ben Davis Rd

Sachse, TX 75048

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