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Students of the Week(s) 10/9/17 to 10/20/17

Two short weeks have been combined to make one mega week this time. Let's celebrate the top four Students of the Week(s) for being outstanding Aviators!

Takacs' Homeroom

John Estes

1. He is very generous.

2. He gave me something important.

3. He is very nice to me.

4. He is always generous and a nice person.

5. He gets his work done.

Isabel Lopez

1. She is nice and sweet.

2. She treats me well.

3. She is always kind to others.

4. She is never rude and is very respectful.

5. She is a supportive person.

Willcut's Homeroom

Trish Nguyen

1. She always uses good manners.

2. She helped me bring up my grades.

3. She is polite in the cafeteria.

4. She is helpful and supportive.

Gabriella Castillo

1. She gives me supplies when I am out.

2. She is very helpful.

3. She lets me borrow pens.

4. She is kind to me.

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4750 Ben Davis Rd

Sachse, TX 75048

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